·٠•●いらしゃいます●•٠·: gimme a break man~


Thursday, April 13, 2006

gimme a break man~

im tired. not from work, neither from study. but is that bitch. why must she come back when im at home. can't she continue her slutery life the way she is. or is she thinking to make a virgin comeback. BOO~ basically she's lazy,lazy and forever lazy. honestly, i don wan to share the same roof as her when my aunt goes heaven one day. cox i might end up a pathetic maid. bleh~ moi dearest pc is my only solace whenever that mad woman comes back. i will not tear even at the slightest comment she make cox i understand she's got nth better to do other than picking a quarrel with none other than yours truly. i wanna be a little happier each day, more friends, more laughter. haiz~


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